As seen on:

Cutting-Edge 4-Month Workshop Providing the Tools you need to develop Elite-Level Training Knowledge and Precise Execution for Killer Workouts and RELENTLESS MUSCLE GROWTH!
“I have definitely learned a TON and have noticed that aches & pains have disappeared. I have way better execution on the intended muscle group. It is an amazing program that has opened my eyes. It makes it burn in areas I realized I have never properly exercised/contracted.” – Gregory Pike
This Program REVOLUTIONIZED the Training World with Hundreds of Thousands of Success Stories. Get a World-Class Education in LIFELONG Fundamental Intelligent Muscle Building. Suitable for Athletes, Executives, Entrepreneurs & People at all Levels.
“Within 5 minutes, I am already seeing my rear delts pop like I’ve never seen before. And I have been pumping iron for many years, and thought I’ve seen it all. I am glad and amazed to be proven wrong. I can’t wait to try out the rest of the exercises. Mr. Ben Pakulski, you sir, are a genius.” – David Lee
The Toughest Workout Program You’ll EVER do. Get Instant Access to Cutting-Edge Knowledge Intentionally Designed to Take Mr. Mediocre to Mr. Muscle FAST! (University Tested and Scientifically-Backed).
“This is the BEST front to back program in its entirety I’ve ever had. I’ve been bodybuilding for 13 years and have never received this type of instruction. You’re the best! I greatly appreciate that.” – Christopher Cigan
The Most Intelligent and Effective Plan Ever Created for Bulking. Access the Exclusive NUTRITION BIBLE for Bulkers wanting to Shed the Excess and Maximize Your Muscle-Growth Potential!
“Thanks for your guidance as my body has done a complete transformation and I’m in the best condition of my life. I will certainly be a fan for life and have began spreading the word to friends, family and new comers.” – Eddie Berlanga
Most Fail to see the True Benefits of a Keto diet because Few People know how to do it CORRECTLY. After Years of Testing, We’ve Created this Step-by-Step Comprehensive Program to Show You How to Achieve ELITE-LEVEL RESULTS in Half the Time.
“The amount of quality information here is amazing. The videos get to the point with easy to digest information. I cannot wait to put these into practice. I’m truly thankful to you for coming up with this program.” – Marlon Alvarez
Most Fail to see the True Benefits of a Keto diet because Few People know how to do it CORRECTLY. After Years of Testing, We’ve Created this Step-by-Step Comprehensive Program to Show You How to Achieve ELITE-LEVEL RESULTS in Half the Time.
“The amount of quality information here is amazing. The videos get to the point with easy to digest information. I cannot wait to put these into practice. I’m truly thankful to you for coming up with this program.” – Marlon Alvarez
Forget what the magazines say… THIS is how you train like a pro! Authentic training logs from the final leg of BPak’s journey to the stage. 6 weeks of ball busting & psychologically challenging workouts, geared towards bringing you to peak physical condition, FAST!
To keep gaining muscle, there are two primary things you MUST focus on… progressively maximizing TENSION… with MAXIMUM weight! …Time to get your game face on and strap in tight because this 6 week program is a true test of your manhood (or womanhood ;))!
The rate-limiting factor for muscle growth is how quickly a muscle can recover from one training bout to the next. The more frequently you can train a muscle, the more often protein synthesis can be stimulated within it… the more often protein synthesis is spiked within a muscle, the faster it GROWS!
High threshold muscle fibers require heavy weight for adequate stimulation, while lower threshold fibers are best taxed with extended sets & finishers. This plan intelligently combines both to exhaust a high range of muscle fibers & create a massive lactic / growth hormone response.
If planned & executed intelligently, progressive wave loading gets a muscle stronger, FASTER! Increased neural output (from improved muscular strength) –> the more tension –> the more neural feedback –> the more cellular signalling for growth.
Training a muscle to lactic failure is a great way to signal many hypertrophy pathways. Expect to see noticeable changes in body composition during this program as you will be stressing your total lactic tolerance.
Every top bodybuilder on the planet has the ability to contract a muscle to an INSANE degree. You will NEVER significantly build the size of a muscle with weak sh**ty contractions. Learn to increase the quality and intensity of your contractions for explosive pro level gains.
To optimize your body composition transformation, intensity, frequency, volume & density are manipulated strategically so that you can fan the flames of your metabolic furnace, while at the same time molding a muscular physique.
Functional hypertrophy, strength, & metabolic style training, strategically compressed into 6 weeks of growth inducing, mentally toughening, increasingly intense workouts. Intelligently rotating & intensifying your training to ignite explosive new gains.
“It’s videos like this – and really ALL of the Mi40 videos – that have changed just about EVERYTHING about how I train. I’ve had truly AWESOME results!! Can’t thank you enough…” – Hal Bowman
“That was a brilliant insight into a day In The life of a professional – the piece at the end was completely inspiring so thank you for sharing that insight with Us Ben – stay laser focused and the winds of life will change around you – brilliant thanks for sharing with us!” – Gary Hooks
“This is the best article on carbs I’ve ever read ! To the point and insightful, Thank you”
– Luce Muzi
“Just put this in the fridge to set, but tasted the mix and wow, will be making this from now on!” – Jeff Hooper
“I always wanted to be lean, sub 10% – I just never got there on my own. BPak is someone I trusted inherently and I knew without a doubt that if I hired him, I would land where I wanted to land.
If you can imagine the way you want to look and feel, Would you write a check to get those results overnight?”
“I wasn’t an unhealthy guy, I wasn’t hurting. I just knew that I wanted to make sure I’m living even a better life at the end than I am currently.
I was 285 lbs and this morning, I weighed in at 255 lbs in less than 3 months. I just realized that we pay for a mechanic, an insurance agent, an investment guy but when it came to our my personal health, I knew I had to get a specialist in there.”
“My kids are eating healthier. My wife is eating healthier. I realized I was the bad influence on everyone. Now they eat what I eat.
I’m getting such amazing results. It’s made me a better businessman and better man on all levels. I’ve learned how to be a more effective human being. I’ve never been a part of anything like this before.”